Wednesday, June 9, 2010 @
Yeah! Had been doing projects and trainings this break.
Mid-Sem Test was alright,hoped to pass it all.
And Monday was a fucked up day for me.
Firstly,watch spoiled and next my handphone spoiled.
And as for why my handphone spoiled is very stupid,shall not elaborate.
And I saw some of my friend's photo when diving,and that makes me feels like diving too.
But I cant swim,and scared of fish,so pretty ironic.
Nevertheless,with those oxygen tank cum full body equipment blah blah blah I supposed those wont be too big a problem.
But I will definitely freaked out if I saw any hideous fish.

Anyway,it will be awesome to see some cute fish.

Hah,see his face so not happy he must be thinking "HEY FUCKER,I AM NOT NEMO,I AM A FREAKING CLOWNFISH FUCK YEAH,I AM NOT NEMO!"

And of course,Dolphin will be the best.
Dont you think they are freaking awesome?!
Hah,I know I am far away from reality but it's good to imagine isnt it.
Okay,and I NEEDS to watch The Socerer's Apprentice after watching the trailer the other time.
Friday, June 4, 2010 @
Yes,the torturing 5 days are finally over,but neither am I feeling relaxed.
Reason being I am aware that this term break is not going to be a relaxed one,projects are piling up,and we had started on none.
So I am not really recognising this break a true break for us to relax,but rather two unoccupied weeks for us to catch up with our projects.
The true break is the one after the final semester examination,thats BREAK.
Anyway,went to give WenBin a failed surprise outside his house.
The main reason we failed is that we dont know which apartment is his and a scammer uncle.
So different strategies are produced to counter those obstacles.
Ending up with WenBin asking "Eh you all outside my house ah"
Hah,went to Ehub for our lunch and Pool.
Went Aloy house after that for mahjong,and thats all for today.
And i had not been sleeping well for the past 5 days.
First reason being all of my papers start at 9am,which means i gotta wake up by 7.30 everyday.
Thats hell for me man.
In addition,I had been sleeping at an unholy hour everyday because I AM STUDYING!
Heh,yeah I am studying these few days,but the results are not that pleasant.
The papers are really horny monsters man.
I am being fucked by the PCA,Business Finance and CMA papers.
And CAS did a really hardcore one on me,and alot others.
But luckily,we fucked Legal back.
Sorry for being so vulgar or dirty,I am really tired.
Hah,godly excuse.
And I tomorrow had to wake up on 8am,holy shit! T.T
Monday, May 31, 2010 @
Screwed my Finance paper today,my sixth sense just keep misleading me to the wrong answer.
No wonder they said guys' sixth sense sucks to the core.
But looks at the brighter side man,at least my sixth sense sucks and I am true man.
And tomorrow is Legal Aspect paper,gawd I must say it's the suckiest subject I had taken so far.
To me it's as sucky as Science,but at least I got the option to fail my science.
I got no option for Legal Aspect man,I MUST pass it,at least.
It's a freaking boring subject with loads of english and some latins.
No wonder Jiankai will rather do something weird to his eye and transfer to JC instead.
And reading those notes,I really cant believe I scored B3 for my English hah,I spent a few minutes just to intepret a simple sentence.
Yeah,had been studying for the past few hours,but nothing went into my brain.
God,time for sixth sense again.
Nevertheless,will be giving a last try later on,to study more and get at least something into my brain.
If it fails too,I guess I will be spending my 1 hour drawing Doraemon and Pikachu tomorrow.
Lets put study aside now,the motive of me getting on the computer again is to give myself a rest.
But really sia,Legal Aspect really very boring siaaaa,boooohoooohoooooo~ T.T
And when a person is stress over one thing,he gets stress over other things.
Now I am stressed over which flavour maggi mee should I cook.
Thursday, May 27, 2010 @
Nothing much this few days,things were the same.
Weather is extraordinary hot,tempting me to just wear a boxer to school these few days.
But,good things cant be showed so easily.
Want to see,pay.
Anyway,coach was making a moving and motivating speech after the training just now.
It's about a 60+ years old woman decides to write a list of what she had done throughout her whole life.
And she cried after that,as she realised that she had actually done nothing throughout her life and whats more,she had a broken family.
Tsk,how sad.
So lets treasure every second of our life and not waste it on studies.
Lets quit school tomorrow.
Well,after that speech,it really really really MAKES ME WANT TO SIT AEROPLANE EVEN MORE.
Hah,well at least that's the first step to achieve my current dream because my dream is to travel around the world and get in touch with people from various walks of life.
You dont expect me to jog from country to country eh?
Of course,I hopes to travel with my family and probably good friends.
Hah,I will really get lost alone or being scammed by baddies.
My sense of direction really sucks man.
And that leads to the taking of driving course this year.
I really cant imagine I get lost in Singapore man.
I remembered there's a time I get lost at LRT station.
You know that LRT got something like interchange where you change your routes.
Then I act zai go change change change,then I more change more far.
Then one more time I went to my friend's house who stays at Bedok too,quite near to my house.
But dont know why when I left his house and wants to go home,I happened to walk a completely opposite direction and I takes me a few minutes to realise I am at a emo corner of Bedok.
And during secondary 1 and 2,bus was my only transport to school because I dont dare to take MRT as there's a distance from the station to the school,although very short,and I scared I would get lost.
So I took bus from school back home for around 1 year and it takes me a goddamn 1 year to stop using trees as marking to know where should I alight and walks home.
So if theres some idiots nothing to do go cut the leaves on the tree and makes the tree looks smaller.
Thats it,I am lost.
So in a nutshell,my sense of directions is really unbelievably sucks.
Reason being school doesnt allow,more reason to quit school then.
Monday, May 24, 2010 @
Helloooooo,after the previous post I had been seeing more and more lizards,big or small,to the extend that I can even saw a big big lizard lying dead when I am training.
I wont be really suprise if I go swimming and see a komodo dragon in the pool in the near future.
Enough of the lizards thingy,I saw a advertisement about a documentary on the TV recently.
"Dangerous Companions"
What I saw from the advertisement is about a guy being really close with dangerous animals like Lion or Tiger.
Or whatever animals,pardon me,I can really differentiate Tiger,Cheetah and Leopard since young.
Anyway,the guy was cuddling and sleeping with those animals.
I thought that it will be nice and I will be going to watch it soon. ^^
And maybe i can have such documentory too,hah.
Like hello,I had been playing with Aloy quite few years eh.
Thursday, May 20, 2010 @
I really must say 2010 is passing freaking fast.
My mind is still stucking at the period of 2010 countdown,Chinese New Year,Holidays and times when my armpit hair is still long and bushy.
Yeah,I just fucking shaved my armpit hair!
Yeah one of my new year resolution is finally down,I cant stand my armpit hair so bushy and long man.
Anyway there are alot of weird weird insects inhabiting in my cute little house.
Lizards,beetle,centipede and alot others.
Just now my stomach was aching and so I went to the toilet and relaxed.
Then dont know what the heck happened to my house.
In front of me is a big big beetle.
But how the fuck I will expect that there will be a beetle at my house.
So I was like thinking to myself what is that.
I jitao pulled up my pants and run away.
Lucky I just sat down and my da bian havent come out,or else I will be stuck at there with the beetle.
So I told my mother about the beetle,and my mother actually say that that's an ant.
Like what the hell man,obviously is a beetle man,adults ah...
Every insects also ant.
I will definitely drown myself in drugs if one day she saw a bee and told me that its a yellow ant which can fly.
Stress life.
My mother was clearing my closet and saw a lizard.
Luckily she realised that it's not an ant.
Anyway,she took out all my clothes to catch that lizard.
And she brought forth her legendary equipment to catch the lizard.
The equipment is something like a very very long tongs,those equipment those rubbish cleaner giap the rubbish up from the floor one.
No idea where she get that.
She still showed off to me the equipment cost only 70cents.
AND it's not the tongs that caught the lizard,she was trying to use the tongs to "giap" the lizard out for around....15minutes?
In the end,the lizard just keep crawl around and my mother finally asked for my father for assistance.
My father just took a cloth,and took the lizard up and threw it away.
Poor lizard.
Wondered what the lizard was thinking the moment it was treated this way.
Hah,and did I mentioned I am the one standing allllll the way behind,preparing to run away if the lizard crawled out.
I really cant imagine what if when I am a parent and my house got those scary insects man.
I can see the future of me screaming together with my children.
I must hide a pistol in my house next time,muahahhahaahha!
Me:No problem
Me:Merry christmas
Monday, May 17, 2010 @
Nothing much happened these few days.
Was staying at home last weekend.
Staying at home doesnt mean save money eh.
Well,things happened like this,when just the plan of buying a $3 hokkien mee went wrong.
I walked to the interchange to buy my hokkien mee.
You may be wondering Eh siao eh,I thought Interchange take bus one,you go there buy Hokkien mee.
But I just named the hawker centre near interchange as interchange,so pardon me.
Anyway,I went out planning only to spend $3 on my hokkien mee.
But when I reached the stall,I get very hungry and bought a $4 pack instead.
I walked pass the bubble tea shop,get thirsty and bought a cup of bubble tea $2.20.
I walked pass cheers,then bodaiboji go in buy a walls ice cream cone,around $2.20 also.
So in total I spent $8.40 just like that.
FML man~
So a desperate me turns to 4D,asked my mum to help me buy a set of number.
While waiting for the prize number to be released,I was like showing off to Kayan that my parents bought my IC number last 4 numbers and won around $12k when I was just borned.
Anyway,7pm was the time when the numbers are being released.
I dont know how to check so I pulled my father,who was preparing to sleep,up from the bedto demo how to check.
Yah,when demostration turned deadly.
He was really smiling when he was demostrating,till he saw the 1st prize,1331.
Then he jitao CHAOCHEEBYB.
Hah,that was the number he was buying everytime but not on that day as he got not enough money.
Well,for me,you opened the page you jitao got the "No Hope" feeling already,jitao is no link all the way.
Anyway,my father sat on the sofa emoing after that.
Enough about my weekend,went for training today,very tiring hah.
After that went to eat with Teck and Depan and that's it.
There will be a Track and Field camp coming up,hehehehe,YEASHHHH!
Hah and my parents watching a Drama now.
Got one couple,fight here fight there then alot thing happens den BOOM BIMM BAHH BOOM then after 100+ episodes,they finally got their own baby.
Then now the baby bodaiji fever going die.
How they keep up with this type of drama sio,talented.